Day 2 SXM to Newport

Noon Position 22 deg 48 N 64deg 56 W

Course  – 340 Degrees   Speed – 12   Knots        Day’s Run – 254  Miles

Weather –  Sunny with 1m swell from NE

Wind  -12   knots from  110  degrees

After dinner last night the wind built up and we put up the main, mizzen and genoa and were motor sailing at 12 knots quite happily until around 10pm  suddenly we had a horrible noise from the prop again. We feathered the prop and turned the engine off and sailed through the night at 10 knots.

The wind started to die this morning and we were struggling to sail at 8 knots so we took all the sails down and Andy and Manie jumped over the side and dived on the prop removing the rope cutter. Nothing like diving in 6000m of water! Now we are motor sailing in dying winds doing 12 knots.

The forecast is for very little wind for the next 2 days so we will be motoring and will have to have another go at fishing.


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